That said, I am committing myself to another year of talking about hiring trends and Indianapolis job openings via social media outlets and that means the mentors and experts I have attached myself to are stuck with me riding their coattails for the foreseeable future. I cannot begin to do justice in expressing my gratitude for all of the individuals and the companies who have patiently provided me with guidance and education, tips and tricks as I strive to be efficient and effective in my social media efforts. I have attended webinars, conferences, training sessions and presentations. I have asked at least 1.000 questions from friends, acquaintances, vendors (paid and unpaid) and SME’s. I have learned not to worry about appearing incompetent when asking for the most basic of direction. I continue to find the world of social media "experts" to be accessible, helpful and most importantly, patient, with my need to know.
My point? I encourage you to tirelessly seek out learning opportunities and mentors in whatever it is you have become passionate about pursuing. Short of becoming a stalker, it is never a bad idea to ask the experts to teach you what they know as often as you can. Take for example, your job search. Most of us have had the pleasure of experiencing the stress of the job search and we know that it is NOT something we relish doing. To become good at it you have to either have a lot of practice (and no one wants to learn about the job search by doing it a lot) or you have to know someone who spends a lot of their time providing guidance to those who are in the job search. For example, an experienced professional recruiter. Find people who can provide you with guidance, tips and tricks and most importantly critical feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask enough and you too may become an expert one day.
My hope is that by the time I write my blog post on this topic next year, I will have come a long way in my learning curve and yet still be excited about what I still have to learn. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to our blog, visit our Facebook Fanpage, check out our LinkedIn Group and follow us on Twitter.