“For That’s Good HR, we blog to stay connected to our customers and employees in a real and genuine way. Our blogs are written by our internal staff so they provide another level of personal interaction with our audience. Blogging can be a cathartic experience, providing an outlet to talk to others about what you are personally passionate about. It is the perfect platform to share your key knowledge and experience with others and the two way communication that can happen on a blog creates a community of exchange.
Our blog challenges us to remain current and informed about the staffing industry and the HR profession. As the experts in our industry, we feel it is important to share with our customers and candidates what we hear and see in the local job market, while staying on the cutting edge of employment issues locally and nationally. We love to talk to our customers and we love to hear from them. Blogging is another tool that helps connect with and educate our customers and our candidates.”
I also come across this article from Forbes on 9 Reasons you Should Blog. Interesting that reason #1 is “It’s your new resume”. Never considered that one…but it makes you think a lot about your virtual imprint as you engage in social avenues to talk to others.
Enjoy both of these as you think about your own blogging activity (or lack thereof). In the end, I blog because I enjoy it and that is the very best reason. Why do you blog? Why don’t you? Would love to hear your point of view!