Technology has certainly made Central Indiana jobs easier… for the most part. Who among you can raise your hand with me for forwarding (so you thought) an email to someone with a smart comment only to realize you hit reply, not forward? That is NOT a lol moment!
Everyone from Indianapolis Staffing company employees to executive headhunters, people in six figure jobs, administrative, HR jobs in Indianapolis and people in management positions in Indianapolis have all had that sick feeling when you realize you sent something to the wrong person or worse: PEOPLE. This can lead to embarrassing and sometimes serious consequences not to mention a load of damage control!
Here are some common Email mistakes. Any sound familiar?
- Sending confidential employee salary information to the whole company.
- Transmitting confidential client or employee information to the wrong or parties.
- Sending a racy picture to the whole office that was only meant for a few people.
- Sending a job offer to the wrong candidate.
- Sending a resume to an internal recipient rather than to its intended recipient at an external, prospective employer.
- Nasty comments and catty, gossipy emails about supervisors – sent directly to supervisors by mistake.
- Calling a co-worker an "idiot" and mistakenly copying the co-worker or worse: the entire company.
Tips to avoid these embarrassing scenarios:
1. Give your full attention to your email response. This is one time that multi-tasking does not pay off.
2. Thoroughly scrutinize who you are sending information to, particularly if it is a distribution list.
3. Take special care with those you copy. Think twice before hitting “reply all” and only copy those that need to be in the know.
4. Beware of sending or replying to emails from a handheld device. Your view is limited so if possible, review on a laptop or desktop.
5. Don’t hit “send” when you’re emotional. Angry emails are never a good idea. Give yourself a moment to cool off before responding. You may find it better to speak in person.
6. Keep it professional. Think about how your email could be viewed by the receiving party. Emails are easily forwarded and some email messaging may be monitored. As a general rule, avoid saying anything that could be viewed as harassing, discriminatory or unprofessional.