
Indiana Boasts one of the Best U.S. State Job Markets

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December 3, 2012

Indianapolis jobsStaffing Industry Analysts released a jobs market report this past month from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Employment Statistics program*. The results are in – and they are positive for the Central Indiana job market.

According to the report, the best state markets by volume job growth were: Texas, Indiana, Florida, California, Illinois, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. In addition, Texas, Indiana, Arizona, Kentucky, and Oklahoma ranked among the top ten states on both a volume and percent basis.

Here is how Indiana fared in the findings:

Indiana Job Market Rank: #5

Growth Score: 69 (offered as an indicator of the relative overall robustness of staffing trends in each labor market)

Percent Employment Growth:

  • 12 months: 2.3%
  •  6 months – 1.1%
  •  3 months – .07%

Total Non-farm Employment: 2,900,000

The Indianapolis-Carmel job market also ranked the 15th best by volume growth score among the largest major metropolitan areas, with an average 12-month change of 1.5 percent, and ranked 19th out of all major U.S. metro job markets.

Columbus, Indiana also received the top score for the smaller U.S. Metro area with the most exceptional percentage-wise growth, with a 12-month change of 8.7 percent. Elkhart-Goshen, IN also ranked well in this category.

As an Indianapolis staffing agency, we at That’s Good HR are pleased to see that Indiana continues to experience job growth and a robust labor market.

Source: Staffing Industry Analysts: November 2012

* This analysis and ranking of growth trends was based on total nonfarm employment among the 393 U.S. Metropolitan Statistical areas, using figures through September 2012. Data surveyed included 150,000 businesses and government agencies, representing roughly 390,000 individual worksites.

