
Our Top Employee Polls on LinkedIN This Year

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A bulletin board with question bubbles.
Madison Schacht headshot.
Madison Schacht
Manager of Talent Acquisition
November 2, 2022
As a staffing firm focused on both job seekers and employers, we believe it’s important to keep our fingers on the pulse of the Indianapolis-area professional community. That’s why we query our LinkedIn followers on timely topics throughout the year. It has been a fun way to uncover new trends and give our followers a glimpse into how other people feel about their career paths.

Let’s look at what we learned from some of our most popular polls in 2022:

Should you stay or should you go?

Our May poll was a simple one. Do you plan to switch jobs in the next 12 months? It appears that our LinkedIn followers have their eyes out for something new, with 59% responding yes. How would you vote? If you’re looking for a change, That’s Good HR can help you discover potential career opportunities.

Job worries in today’s economic climate

We’ve read the headlines. Inflation is high. The economic outlook is questionable. We asked our LinkedIn followers to share their worries about job stability in today’s economic uncertainty. It looks like our followers are split on the issue, with 49% saying they’re not worried at all, and 50% responding that they are very worried or somewhat concerned.

If you’re feeling career uncertainty, remember that you have That’s Good HR on your side. We can help you dust off your resume and update it with our convenient resume template. If you’re ready to check out new opportunities, send us your resume and we can start a conversation.

Putting your thoughts to music

Our September poll asked followers to choose a popular song to describe how they felt about their current job:

  • I Ain’t Worried
  • Bad Habit
  • First Class
  • Break My Soul

Either there are a lot of Beyonce fans among our followers or a lot of broken spirits at work, because “Break My Soul” was the overwhelming winner. If you’re not answering “First Class” or “I Ain’t Worried” in this poll, perhaps it’s time to connect with That’s Good HR. Your job should be more than a “Bad Habit.”

That’s Good HR has more than 20 years of experience matching qualified candidates with open positions within the Indianapolis area. Our research and staffing proficiency can solve the puzzle of bringing the right candidates to the right company. If you’re looking for your next job opportunity, That’s Good HR is your job search partner. Contact us today to learn more about how That’s Good HR is committed to making the right match.
