Job Advice

Best Practice on Handshakes During the Pandemic

Hannah Replogle
August 16, 2021

We recently received this question on handshakes during the pandemic from one of our job candidates and thought it was a good share for all of our job seekers (and employers!). 

My question is what a professional handshake looks like in the midst of the current worldwide pandemic. Per Marion County Health Department guidelines, I will be wearing a face mask and my plan is to follow the lead of the person I am interviewing with when it comes to the handshake greeting, however, I am open to any suggestions you have to offer.

While handshakes were once a major workplace custom, especially during a job interview, COVID-19 is changing things. What do the experts say?

What is the origin of handshakes?

First things first: where does the tradition of shaking hands even come from? It is said that the practice of handshakes dates back to ancient times as a display of peace, showing that neither party was carrying a concealed weapon. It eventually evolved into the greeting and symbol we have today, with many business deals ending with a handshake as a show of good faith. Many lists of interview tips even include “a firm handshake” as a top practice for job candidates. 

Can handshakes transmit COVID-19?

As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, famously said in a 2020 press conference, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you,” saying that it would likely reduce the spread of not just COVID-19, but influenza as well. 

Even pre-pandemic, doctors have acknowledged for some time that handshakes could potentially transmit germs, especially when we don’t take proper handwashing precautions (warm soap and water for 20 seconds) or when we touch our eyes, nose or mouth after shaking hands. Among vaccinated people, the risk of transmitting COVID via handshakes is quite low, but many of us may still not be comfortable with them.

Evaluate your comfort level (and your interviewer’s)

Whether or not you are comfortable shaking hands, you can head off any awkwardness by stating your preference when you enter an interview or meeting. Lizzie Post, the great-great-granddaughter of the late etiquette writer Emily Post, says, “Our advice to them is to get comfortable with letting people know, because I think the rude thing to do would be to stand there and act like you are ignoring an outstretched hand.” 

If someone reaches out their hand to you and you are uncomfortable shaking it, don’t feel bad saying, “‘I actually don’t shake hands’ or ‘I am sorry that I don’t shake hands, but I am so pleased to meet you.’” Acknowledging the meaning of the handshake by showing that you are happy to meet them or grateful for the interview shows that your reluctance is purely out of an abundance of caution for your health — and theirs. 

Alternatives to a handshake greeting

If you feel like you want to offer someone another form of greeting instead of a handshake, there are other options. When you first walk up to someone, you could wave, smile or offer a small nod or bow of acknowledgment. In many other countries, a small bow is a great sign of respect. You could also offer a fist bump or an elbow bump, which are said to transmit fewer germs than meeting palms with a handshake. 

No matter your choice of greeting, just remember that it is important to communicate your preference to reduce awkwardness for both parties. In an interview situation especially, you can use your words, instead of just a handshake, to show your excitement for the job opportunity and gratitude for your interviewer. 

If you have more questions for our staffing specialists, we’d love to help! Contact us today online or at 317-469-4141 to learn more about our job-seeking services and current open positions.


Your Favorite Things About Office Culture

Kirstia Cropper headshot.
Kirstia Cropper
Operations Manager
June 18, 2021

Ready to head back to the office?

Many offices that have been partially or fully closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic are now reopening with safety plans or hybrid working models in place. So we’re warming you up to head back to your office with a reminder of all your favorite things about office culture. What are you most looking forward to about working in the office again? 

Social Collaboration with Colleagues

Probably one of the biggest parts of office culture that workers have missed during the pandemic is social interaction. Extroverts and introverts alike may be missing that time to get to know their coworkers in person, both working together and just chatting around the water cooler. Leaders of businesses from small to large may also be able to more effectively communicate and encourage positive office culture when working again in person. 

More Effective In-Person Meetings

Even in a hybrid office model, in-person meetings may start to resume shortly. Instead of emailing endlessly back and forth to make a decision, many have been missing in-person meetings that help us work quickly and efficiently. Meeting in real life can also help reduce potential conflict and confusion. There’s a lot to be said for tone and inflection that can’t be conveyed via email or text, and sometimes even via Zoom. Working together more effectively is often best done in person. 

Fewer Time-Sucking Tech Glitches

Working from home can often feel a lot like that old “hurry up and wait” saying. Working hard to complete something on a deadline, only to have to wait for approval via email instead of showing your supervisor in person. Waiting for a coworker to reply to an email, when in an office you could just go to their desk. Waiting for wifi and Zoom issues to resolve, when usually you’d just have an in-person meeting. Many technology glitches are easier solved when working back in the office. 

Increased Productivity

Working with the distractions of the dishes, laundry or other family members at home may mean you’re more than ready to head back to the office. Even a few days a week in the office to work on important or time-sensitive projects may help increase your productivity as you feel comfortable returning to your company in person. For many, a hybrid working model with some days to focus at home and others to collaborate in person may be an effective option moving forward.

Better Work-Life Boundaries

Working from home can sometimes be convenient, but it can also make it harder to set boundaries in your work-life balance. Maybe your “temporary” workspace is taking over your dining room table or bedroom vanity. When your laptop is always open for work, it’s easy to feel like you should just get one more thing done, until you realize you haven’t taken a break in hours. Even your commute can offer a natural transition point into and out of “work mode,” and can offer time to enjoy a podcast, music or some self-reflection. Getting back to the office may actually mean less time spent “at work.”

Ready for the Next Step?

If you’re ready for the next step in your career journey, be it in person, hybrid or remote, That’s Good HR is here to support you. Check out our open positions for job seekers, or put out the call for your next employee as one of our employer partners. With vast experience in the fields of HR, Administrative, Customer Service, Healthcare Admin, Accounting, we’d love to help you find the right fit today.


Top 5 Ways We’ve Survived the Pandemic

Hannah Replogle
June 14, 2021

(when other staffing agencies didn’t)

It seems that many of us are finally seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and That’s Good HR is proud to have continued serving local Indianapolis businesses and job seekers throughout these difficult times. 

As we reflect on how we survived and pivoted during quarantine and a changing job market, we’re sharing the top five ways that resilience, flexibility and a focus on strong relationships have been at the core of our business.

1. Keeping a Positive Attitude

Perhaps one of the hardest parts of the pandemic was the social isolation and the toll it took on mental health. We did our best to encourage our employees, clients and job seekers to stay positive and find things to be grateful for despite the dark times. The pandemic caused a number of individuals to be temporarily furloughed or permanently laid off, and we channeled our energy into helping them find new positions that would be the best fit for them. 

2. Going Virtual

In addition to our employees working virtually during Indiana’s stay-at-home orders, we also helped job seekers and clients manage the hiring process digitally as well. We facilitated virtual interviews for a number of positions and helped both businesses and new employees manage the transition to working from home in many of these cases. 

We also took advantage of the slower pace during the pandemic to implement a brand new staffing software system at That’s Good HR! This updated system allows us to work even more efficiently for our virtual clients and candidates. 

3. Getting Personal

One of the assets we’re most proud of in our team of staffing specialists is the personal relationships that they cultivate with candidates and clients. We didn’t let the pandemic get in the way of continuing to build these relationships. As one of our star candidates, Jessica Jordan, said, “They listen to what I am looking for and have never pressured me to interview for a position I did not feel was a good fit. My happiness with an opportunity is equally important to her as the employer’s happiness.”

4. Staying Social

We made an effort to stay in touch with potential job candidates and business contacts by keeping current on our social media, especially LinkedIn. We knew that offering resources and offering our free job seeker services would help those in need as so many were on the hunt for a new career. 

5. Using Past Knowledge

According to Mary Springer, Partner and Owner of That’s Good HR, one of the biggest previous challenges over the past 20 years was the recession of 2008. Although our firm was forced to reduce staff at that time and do more with fewer resources, we were able to not only survive but thrive amid a dismal economy. We put many of those survival methods into practice again during the pandemic, and are proud that we can say we have thrived over the past year — even being named one of America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firms in May 2021. 

Top 5 Industries That Are Thriving and Looking for Talent Right Now

  1. Healthcare – Unsurprisingly, healthcare is one of the top growing industries after our essential healthcare workers have helped so many make it through the COVID-19 pandemic, with an expected yearly growth rate of 18% through 2026. You’ll find that That’s Good HR always has a number of healthcare open jobs at any given time. 
  2. Real Estate – You’ve probably noticed how wild the real estate market has been, both in Indiana and across the country. With record-low financing rates and homes selling like hotcakes, it could be a good time to look into getting your real estate license or exploring an administrative, accounting or customer service supporting role. 
  3. Technology – Computer services and information technology is another field that has been growing for some time and shows no signs of slowing down. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected this field to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than average growth.
  4. Construction – Major population growth and increased home projects during quarantine have made construction a very lucrative field to work in at this time. Even with the record-high cost of lumber, contractors and builders are still staying busy in 2021.
  5. Retail and Customer Service – With restrictions lifting and more consumers shopping in person, retail and customer service jobs are on the rise. Customer service is one of our areas of interest for job seekers at That’s Good HR, and we’d love to help you find the position of your dreams.