Hiring resources

The Top Three Don’ts for Post-Interview Thank You Notes

Hands on a keyboard.
Mary Springer headshot
Mary Springer
November 15, 2022

The interview is over, and you’re feeling pretty good about the conversation. You nailed the hard questions and developed an easy rapport with the hiring staff. Now you want to stay at the top of the candidate list. Timely and well-written thank you notes can make the difference.

Thank you notes can be a deal maker – or a candidate breaker – when it comes to the final hiring decision. Research by TopResume indicated that 68% of hiring managers say a thank you note – or the lack of one – impacts their decision. Stack the odds in your favor by following up with the right words. Don’t skip this final opportunity to make a good impression.

Sometimes it’s not what you do, but it’s what you don’t do when you’re writing a thank you note. Fortunately, we’ve listed the top 3 don’ts for post-interview thank you notes. Read on to see how you can make the most of this important interview tool.

Don’t wait too long to write your thank you notes

Once the interview is complete, many hiring managers are already thinking about the next candidate. If you wait too long after an interview to send your thank you notes, you risk being forgotten. Shoot for the first 24 hours after the interview to maximize your note’s impact. Should you go old school and send a written letter? That’s not necessary, say hiring managers. In fact, most HR managers say it’s perfectly fine to follow up with an email. Don’t get too casual, however. Texts or instant messages may fall into the category of being too casual for business communications.

Send a separate thank you note to everyone who interviewed you. This indicates a commitment to the entire team. Resist the desire to add something frivolous or funny, though. You may be a great artist, but sending an original cartoon to each person who interviewed you can quickly move from quirky to questionable.

Don’t write a novel – keep your thank you notes short and succinct

Everyone’s time is valuable, including the people who just interviewed you. While it may be tempting to use your thank you note to restate your resume and all of your admirable qualities, you don’t want to come across as someone who demands too much time and attention. Instead, use your thank you note to convey your gratitude and enthusiasm in a few short paragraphs:

  • Thank them again for their time and attention.
  • Share something specific from the interview that stood out for you.
  • Highlight how you believe you are a good fit for the open position.

Don’t make mistakes

Yes, to err is human. But typos in a thank you note can give the impression of being careless, and you don’t want to leave the interviewer with that final impression. Write the draft, take a few minutes, then read it over again. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to give it a second look. Reading it out loud can also help you catch mistakes.

What if you don’t know what to say?

Are you struggling for the right words? That’s Good HR can help you design the perfect thank you note. Give yourself an interview advantage with That’s Good HR. We have more than 20 years of experience matching qualified candidates with open positions in the Indianapolis area. We’re more than just a staffing firm. We take the time to get to know you first, understanding your unique combination of talents, skills and professional goals. When you work with That’s Good HR, you’re working with a staff who is committed to making the best match for both our candidates and our employers.

That’s Good HR has access to open positions that may not be posted anywhere else. Take a look at our job board to see what types of positions are available. If you’re interested in learning more about That’s Good HR and our current job openings, send us a copy of your resume now. The Match Matters at That’s Good HR, and so do you!


Creative Ways to Thank Your Employees

Two people shaking hands and smiling.
Greta Cline, CFO
Greta Cline
Partner, CFO/COO
November 10, 2022

As we move into the season of Thanksgiving, you may be wondering how you can thank your employees and coworkers. You’re on the right track. A recent study by WorkHuman found that employees who were thanked in the past month were half as likely to be looking for a new job. These same employees were twice as likely to report being highly engaged in their workplace, the survey said. Intentional appreciation can build a sense of camaraderie and loyalty, which can translate into employee retention and growth.

Well-intentioned gestures may fall flat, though. A non-drinker doesn’t necessarily want a bottle of wine. Pizza parties only go so far with employees who feel overlooked. How can you give your employees and colleagues meaningful tokens of gratitude without breaking your budget? We’ve compiled a list of ideas below to help you determine how to thank your employees during the season and throughout the year.

Go old school with thank you notes.

Miss Manners knew what she was talking about when she advocated written thank you notes. Keep a pile of cards – or even colorful sticky notes – in your desk so you can write down your words of appreciation. Studies show that gratitude can be a powerful motivator for success. You may find that note sitting on the recipient’s desk months from now, because it made a difference.

Create a props system.

Make gratitude a team project. Designate a day for showing appreciation to employees and colleagues. Set up a bulletin board or an online page that allows people to call out someone’s efforts or extra work.

Stock the kitchen.

Most offices keep a few types of coffee, creamer and snacks on hand. Thank your employees by showing them they deserve the good stuff. Think decadent chocolate, fresh-cut fruit, fresh bakery cookies and fun juices and sodas. Make sure to add a note telling employees how much their work makes a difference.

Find out what they want.

You may be thrilled if your boss gave you tickets to a Pacers or Indians game. Your coworker, however, doesn’t know the difference between a double dribble and a doubleheader. A little detective work ensures the the gift will be welcomed.

Wish them well.

Does your company have a wellness program? You don’t necessarily need to gift pricey gym memberships. Set aside an afternoon for an optional yoga session to help employees take a breather and get a handle on their stress levels.

Tell them to go home.

Who doesn’t appreciate a little extra time to themselves, especially during the busy holiday season? You don’t have to sacrifice days of productivity – encouraging employees to knock off early next Friday may allow them to plan a weekend adventure or grab a manicure on the way home.

Avoid token gifts.

You don’t have to break the budget with thank you gifts, but you also don’t want to tell your employees that they’re only worth a mass-produced trinket. If the company’s bottom line doesn’t have much room for gift giving, fall back on the personal notes or public recognition. Bring in a batch of holiday cookies and place them by the water cooler. Use social media feeds to brag on your work team. Host a “happy hour” that encourages coworkers to relax and mingle.

A happy workplace starts with the right employees. That’s Good HR is your Indianapolis area staffing expert. Let us do the background work for you and identify the best candidates for your open positions. Our recruiting staff will sift through the resumes and find people whose experience and skills match your company’s unique needs. If you are ready to take your staffing strategy to the next level, contact us now at https://www.thatsgoodhr.com/contact/.


Our Top Employee Polls on LinkedIN This Year

A bulletin board with question bubbles.
Madison Schacht headshot.
Madison Schacht
Manager of Talent Acquisition
November 2, 2022

As a staffing firm focused on both job seekers and employers, we believe it’s important to keep our fingers on the pulse of the Indianapolis-area professional community. That’s why we query our LinkedIn followers on timely topics throughout the year. It has been a fun way to uncover new trends and give our followers a glimpse into how other people feel about their career paths.

Let’s look at what we learned from some of our most popular polls in 2022:

Should you stay or should you go?

Our May poll was a simple one. Do you plan to switch jobs in the next 12 months? It appears that our LinkedIn followers have their eyes out for something new, with 59% responding yes. How would you vote? If you’re looking for a change, That’s Good HR can help you discover potential career opportunities.

Job worries in today’s economic climate

We’ve read the headlines. Inflation is high. The economic outlook is questionable. We asked our LinkedIn followers to share their worries about job stability in today’s economic uncertainty. It looks like our followers are split on the issue, with 49% saying they’re not worried at all, and 50% responding that they are very worried or somewhat concerned.

If you’re feeling career uncertainty, remember that you have That’s Good HR on your side. We can help you dust off your resume and update it with our convenient resume template. If you’re ready to check out new opportunities, send us your resume and we can start a conversation.

Putting your thoughts to music

Our September poll asked followers to choose a popular song to describe how they felt about their current job:

  • I Ain’t Worried
  • Bad Habit
  • First Class
  • Break My Soul

Either there are a lot of Beyonce fans among our followers or a lot of broken spirits at work, because “Break My Soul” was the overwhelming winner. If you’re not answering “First Class” or “I Ain’t Worried” in this poll, perhaps it’s time to connect with That’s Good HR. Your job should be more than a “Bad Habit.”

That’s Good HR has more than 20 years of experience matching qualified candidates with open positions within the Indianapolis area. Our research and staffing proficiency can solve the puzzle of bringing the right candidates to the right company. If you’re looking for your next job opportunity, That’s Good HR is your job search partner. Contact us today to learn more about how That’s Good HR is committed to making the right match.
