Job Advice

Take Charge of Your Career as a Temp

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June 29, 2016
Temporary employment, or temping, has more than doubled in the last two decades with positions spanning all kinds of industries and skill levels. Now more than ever, people desire to take their career paths into their own hands. Temping is one great way to do just that. Here are some tips for you to get the most out of your temp career.

Find a temp agency that works for you

Temp agencies come in all shapes and sizes. Before you just pick the one closest to your house, do your homework. Check out their website and see what kind of placements they offer. Visit the temp agency in person and ask questions. Pay attention to what kind of reception you get. Are they friendly and helpful? Do you feel like they’re on your side? Or are they impersonal? Is it hard to get face time with a recruiter?

Be open to the unexpected

Don’t limit yourself. Be open to different types of temp positions and industries. As a temp applicant, you’ll be exposed to a diverse pool of opportunity with little effort on your part. A good recruiter will be able to assess your skill set and come up with strong potential job matches for you. And the beauty of temping is that you’re not obligated to say yes. The ball is in your court.

Grow your network

Starting a new job means you’ll be exposed to a whole new set of people–colleagues, supervisors, partners, and vendors–regardless of whether you’re a temp or permanent employee. Use this to your advantage and be intentional in your communications with those around you. Develop and foster relationships and you may just discover avenues for future work.


As a temp employee, you’re in charge. Take time during or in between engagements to be planning your next move. Spend time thinking about what you need and want most in a position or career. Seek out new opportunities and be willing to ask for what you want. A good recruiter will be happy to sit down with you and strategize.

When one door closes, another opens. As cliché as it may sound, in the temp world, it’s oh so true. Temporary work really does open doors of possibility. At That’s Good HR, we’re out to help you turn those opportunities into reality. We’re not here to just put you in a job. We’re here to find you the right job, the perfect job.
