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That’s Good HR Weekly News Update – July 29, 2011

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July 28, 2011
Hot tipsThis is a week for some "hot" tips…pun intended. Tips about how not to handle FMLA, what job seekers are looking for, cool Google tips and tricks, why not to panic about the debt ceiling deadline, trends in Healthcare and a glimpse of the future of HR. Hot this week is the story around the "Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act" so be sure to check that out too. I would love to hear if you find some of these tips useful so drop me and line and let me know. NOTE: Next week I will be on vacation so we will not have a weekly news update. Tune in the next week so we can catch up!

Here’s a hint about FMLA – When an employee returns, don’t do this: Telling an employee to find another job on her first day back from FMLA leave probably isn’t the best idea. (HR Morning)

Hiring Plans for Small Businesses Moving in the Right Direction: According to CareerBuilder’s nationwide survey of more than 1,400 small businesses, while small business hiring in the coming months is expected to be better than 2010, caution continues to steer the pace of job creation post-recession (The Hiring Site)

Job security scores high according to Survey: A recent survey shows that both employed and unemployed job seekers look beyond the money, to the benefits  (Benefit News)

Here are some Cool Google Tricks Worth Knowing: When it comes to researching and finding things on the web, Google is your best friend. You can find just about anything on Google with a little time and effort. Some things might take longer than others to find, but nothing is impossible with Google  (Kyle Lacy)

Don’t panic yet…Fallout from debt ceiling deadline might be overblown: There is a lot of concern among investors about the looming Aug. 2 debt ceiling crisis, with investors wondering whether they should take steps to protect their assets in the event of a major crisis such as soaring interest rates and a decline in bond prices or even a stock market crash. (Benefit News)

Pay Attention to your Top Talent Before they Decide to Leave: According to a recent survey by Right Management, three out of four organizations lost high performance employees last year (Recruiter.com)

Trends in Healthcare to be Aware of: While attending UnitedHealthcare’s Customer Forum, I made note of some trends that were discussed. Here are seven that I think will have significant impact in the near future. (insideworkplacewellness.com)

"Unemployed need not apply", becoming a Growing Problem. That is the message being broadcast by many of the nation’s employers, making it even more difficult for 14 million jobless Americans to get back to work. (NY Times)

A Glimpse of the Future for Human Resources Professionals? My predictions center on Millenials in the workplace, length of training sessions, social networking, compensation and benefits reviews, bullying in the workplace, public image and workplace trust and connection (WomenofHR.com)

Diversity and Inclusion – Keeping it Real: Here are some of the things that we did to improve diversity and inclusion in our workforce. Perhaps these steps can be helpful to your company, too. (Harvard Business Review)

Capitol Hill Reacts to NLRB Boeing Charge: The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote later this week on H.R. 2587, the “Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act.”  The bill would curb the National Labor Relations Board’s authority to inhibit employers from relocating or transferring employees. (SHRM.org)
