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That’s Good HR Weekly News Update – June 24, 2011

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June 23, 2011
Orange UmbrellaAnother banner week for umbrella sales in Indianapolis. Some good information in the news this week to keep close for a rainy day when those HR issues come to knock on your door. Someone wants a raise? Someone telling you to pay them overtime for working on their Blackberry at night? Trying to make some sense of "reasonable accommodation? Good employees leaving? Difficult employees staying? Read on for some great HR tips in this week’s news update. We would love to talk to you more about these and other employment related issues!

Did you know that one in three of your workers on their way out the door?  Yes, it is true, according a recent study conducted by Mercer LLC. What can you do about it? (Bloomberg News)

Understanding the psychology behind the ‘Difficult’ Employee: A new study finds that about one in five workers have a personality disorder that negatively impacts their career. (hreonline)

Someone asking for a raise? Maybe they are asking because they think it is the only way to get one. How to Handle a Raise Request (Harvard Business Review)

Confused about what constitutes a reasonable accommodation for disabled employees Under ADA? A panel of experts met at the EEOC to discuss the use of leave from work as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. (tlnt.com)

Working on a social media policy and have no idea where to start? There are some great tips in this ebook from Blogging4jobs.com.

Pay attention to what the Fair Labor Association is doing to strengthen its standards for recruitment. The new Code of Conduct requires companies to establish human resource management policies and procedures along the entire factory employment lifecycle, from recruitment and hiring to terms and conditions of employment, administration of compensation, work rules and discipline, and termination and retrenchment. (Recruiter.com)

What to do when the DOL makes an unannounced visit: The unannounced on-site visit is a common tactic employed by Wage & Hour Division investigators, particularly when dealing with small employers who may not fully understand their legal rights. (wagehourinsights)

Be sure to get a handle on the use of BlackBerry Devices and Smart Phones Off-the-Clock: As these devices become more affordable, more nonexempt employees are receiving them from employers, raising Fair Labor Standards Act and state wage and hour concerns. (shrm.org)

US Labor Department announces $48.7 million to fund re-employment, eligibility assessments for unemployment insurance in 37 states and D.C. (dol.gov)

What the Wal-Mart court decision could mean to employers: The Supreme Court threw out a sweeping sex-discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc., ruling Monday that the 1.6 million women allegedly victimized had too little in common to form a single class of plaintiffs. (WSJ)

Insights on state immigration law proceedings: A federal judge grilled an attorney for the state of Indiana on Monday about the state’s new immigration law, questioning how police would enforce the law and saying one of its provisions conflicts with federal law. (iBJ)
