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That’s Good HR Weekly News update – May 13, 2011

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May 11, 2011
Labor LawGreat week for local and national news regarding hiring trends, the job market, the economy, local Indiana news and some good HR legal stuff. Be sure to at least take a moment to review the FAQ’s in the first article if nothing else, for a quick refresher. You can never have too much review on even the most basic labor laws.

Frequently Asked Questions: (HR People)Employment Labor Law: Really great FAQ’s for some key HR issues.

Analysis: Will Costs Drive Firms Home?: (Wall Street Journal) A combination of forces—rapidly rising labor rates abroad, loftier materials and shipping costs, deep-discount tax incentives from U.S. states—are changing some of the calculations by which companies decide to move production abroad, or even keep what’s there now.

Sitting Is Bad for You: What Can You Do About It at Work?: (Inc.) Recent studies suggest sitting for long periods of time is worse than you might think. Here are tips to help sedentary employees stay healthy.

Should You Hire an Overqualified Candidate?: (Harvard Business Review) As politicians and economists puzzle over America’s jobless recovery, managers who have started to hire again face another problem: how to handle all the overqualified candidates coming through their doors. The prevailing wisdom is to avoid such applicants. But the unprecedented availability of top talent created by this recession and new research on the success of these candidates may be changing that.

Employment Law Updates – (Basic HR & Benefit Solutions) What employers need to know: The following is a general overview of some regulatory changes affecting employer HR practices. 

Three Cases with Lessons for Employers: (Basic HR & Benefit Solutions) Giving a positive reference could cost millions, Hiring and promoting one gender over another is illegal, Allowing any type of music to be played on the job can create a hostile work environment.

Secretary of Labor Breaks Down the Numbers: (Recruiter.com) According to Ms. Solis’s statement, the uptick in unemployment (up to 9.0 percent in April from 8.8 the previous month) should be kept in perspective.  keeping in mind “that unemployment had fallen a full percentage point over the previous four months.”

Top 5 Biggest Wins in 2011: By Kevin Brinegar, Indiana Chamber president. Long overdue education reforms, vital tax reductions to stimulate economic growth and common sense prevailing on illegal immigration represent the biggest victories of the 2011 legislative session.

America’s Labor Market – Perking Up – (Economist.com): Since the employment bottom in February of 2010, the economy has added 1.8m jobs and the private sector has added 2.1m. Most of those jobs were created in the past year, and about a third of them in the last three months.
