Many Benefits to Tapping into Employee Emotional intelligence: The concepts of emotional intelligence (EI), self-worth, authenticity and employee meditation rooms might conjure up thoughts of new age healing centers. But the benefits of tapping employees’ emotional happiness mean the ideas are now being picked up by mainstream corporations. (CNN.com)
Navigating Legal Aspects of Title-Only Promotions: Experts say that cash-strapped companies are increasingly rewarding employees for their strong work ethic and performance with a change in title, but no bump in pay. While this may be a morale booster for the worker, small business owners can find themselves in legal hot water for giving promotions without any monetary benefits, according to experts. (foxbusiness.com)
Beware, You are Surrounded by Liars: Don’t look now, but the person reading this over your shoulder is a liar. So is the barista who just served you coffee. So are you. We’re all liars. In fact, studies have shown that we’re regularly told anywhere from 10 to 200 lies each day—up to 12 an hour. From white lies to whoppers, more than three-quarters of these go undetected. (smartblogs.com)
Highs and Lows of Unemployment in the Midwest: Over the past year, the Midwest has exhibited a range of divergent unemployment rates, with many metropolitan areas experiencing unemployment far above or below the national average of 9.0 percent. (recruiter.com)
Why it is a Good Idea to Tell your Employees to Take a Hike: It’s good for them (and your company, too!). Be careful how you tell your employees to take a hike, though. This article is not about employee termination but rather wellness and good health. (rockethr.com)
Supreme Court to take on Obama healthcare law: The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide the fate of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, with an election-year ruling due by July on the U.S. healthcare system’s biggest overhaul in nearly 50 years.
The Importance of Proper OnBoarding for Remote Workers: It’s more important than ever to ensure that new hires become engaged immediately upon entering their new place of employment through a well-designed onboarding process. Successful onboarding programs aren’t just a paperwork-filled orientation: They create a connection between employees, their work and the goals of the organization. Here are a few best practices from companies that effectively onboard remote workers. (mashable.com)
The Upcoming Decade will bring these 5 Macroeconomic Trends: How Will the Workforce be Impacted?: The following are five major macroeconomic trends that are going to play out within the workforce within the next decade; by being aware of these trends and shifting one’s talent recruitment strategies to work in coordination with them, an organization stands a better chance of taking on the talent it requires to succeed. (recruiter.com)
How Positive is Your Attitude? Did you know it can be linked to work success? Five ways to improve your happiness quotient: Predicting an employee’s future success at a company has traditionally stumped experts, and relying on metrics, such as IQ level, only tells 25% of the story. What makes up the other 75%, according to Shawn Achor, Harvard researcher and positive psychology expert, is the belief that your behavior matters, a positive social support system, and whether you view a challenge as a stress or an impetus to improve. (ebn.benefitnews.com)
Growth Prospects Not Clear for 2012: U.S. and global growth prospects for 2012 are “muddled,” with decelerating consumer spending, a rollback in government spending and weak export growth as key factors in the uncertainty, along with volatile economic conditions in Europe. (staffingindustry.com)
Educate Employees about the benefits of HSA’s to bolster participation: Consistently encouraging employees to contribute to a health savings account (HSA) will only go so far. The best way to max out HSA participation rates is to stress its effectiveness as a retirement tool. (hrmorning.com)
Important tips on creating great internship programs: The quantity of internship programs may be skyrocketing, but the same can’t always be said about their quality. From complaints about the low or non-existent pay and lack of mentorship to reports that recession-rattled staff are too busy to shepherd interns, internships often fail young people, the company or both (and many of them even manage to be illegal). (CBSnews.com)