Does this sound familiar? You were up watching late night reruns of Welcome Back Kotter, it’s raining and dark outside; your alarm clock radio blares on reporting how terrible traffic is and you regret you did not make yourself go to bed earlier the night before. These are obstacles to make even the most dedicated employee want to call in sick.
Indianapolis Staffing companies understand that we all have things that come up in life we have to take care of during normal work hours and that we all get sick from time to time. It is those few individuals that create frustration not only in HR jobs and management positions in Indianapolis but also creates frustration in Central Indiana jobs for co-workers who have to pick up the slack for those “repeat offenders” of creatively calling in.
The Film and Television industry recognize those at the top of their craft with awards like the Academy Awards. We should have an award for those who have made an art out of dramatically calling in sick. There are even websites to assist those who have decided to make a career out of getting out of work!
Career Builder compiled a list of some of the best excuses used:
1) I got sunburned at a nude beach and can’t wear clothes.
2) I woke up in Canada.
3) I got caught selling an alligator.
4) My buddies locked me in the trunk of an abandoned car after a weekend of drinking.
5) My mom said I was not allowed to go to work today.
6) A bee flew in my mouth. 7) I’m just not into it today.
8) I have a headache from eating hot peppers.
9) A random person threw poison ivy in my face and now I have a rash.
10) I’m convinced my spouse is having an affair and I’m staying home to catch them.
11) I was injured chasing a seagull.
The lesson here is this: if you are legitimately sick, stay home! If you need time off, be honest with your employer. While these are extreme examples, more common excuses like being sick, a court date or a death in your family can be easily checked by an employer requiring documentation (and often are). If you get caught lying to your employer, you risk your reputation and possibly even your job.