
Thompson’s Tips

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April 21, 2010
Hello and welcome to my blog!  My name is Keri Thompson, and I am a recruiter with That’s Good HR, a staffing agency that’s been in business for over 10 years. 

Personally, I have been in recruiting for the last 10 years and have seen quite a few changes in this business over the past decade.  Some for the better and some for the worse.  Here at TGHR, I mainly focus on Accounting, Finance, HR, and occassional Operations positions when they arise. 

I love matching the right person to the right job and it’s important to understand what both sides are looking for.  It’s a great feeling when you can create a perfect marriage between a client and a candidate and it truly makes me happy when my clients and candidates are happy!

Please feel free to contact me if there’s any area of interest that you’d like to hear more about!  My email is:  Also, check out our website to learn more about us and check out any open jobs that we are working on.

Thanks and happy reading!!
