Unemployment has continued to be at an all-time low, which means the labor market is tight. Finding qualified candidates can be a challenge. It’s a simple case of supply and demand, less people looking for work means quality candidates have more options. There is one key benefit that top employees look for when considering a new opportunity. Good news – it’s a benefit offered by That’s Good HR so you don’t have to worry about providing it to temporary or contract employees.
According to a recent study conducted by Essential Staff Care (ESC), availability of affordable, usable health benefits is a core indicator of employee interest in a position, attitude and longevity on the job. In addition, 87% of temporary employees say medical benefits are their most desired perk when job searching. Employees enrolled in the healthcare insurance plan that we offer are also more likely to stay on the job almost 4 weeks longer than those who do not have this valuable option.
More than half of Americans hold less than $1,000 in savings, meaning that one illness or injury could result in significant financial hardship. Having the option to enroll in TGHR’s health insurance option helps alleviate financial stress and gives temporary employees an affordable healthcare option, with no added expense to our client companies.
Another benefit to our candidates? The plan rates – which are paid weekly – have remained unchanged since 2010. This is just one way we can show we are committed to our candidates and prove that we want to attract the highest caliber employees for our clients.