If you are a current college student it’s probably your first week of holiday break and you are literally brain dead after cramming for final presentations, projects and exams. So you are at home in your sweats, propped up on the couch and your plan for the next 3-4 weeks is to be a couch potato while watching old episodes of "Jersey Shore" and to keep tabs on what your friends are doing all break through Facebook. Believe me, that sounds awesome…and I don’t blame you for taking some time for yourself after a hectic semester. However, I would urge you to at least spend a little bit of your break focusing on your future career. In a time when internships and entry level jobs are scarce and your competition is getting more fierce, you have to be able to set yourself apart to employers. I have compiled a short list of items that you could do during break to make yourself more aware of current hiring trends and what Indianapolis job openings may be available after graduation.
- Review the logs on file through the career center websites that list types positions held by alumnus in your field of study. Write down a few of the top positions that are of interest to you and do some research in order to get a better feel for where your strengths and interests would be best suited.
- Schedule an informational interview. Talk to your friends and family to see if anyone can help you get an informal, informational interview with a company that has positions similar to the ones on which you have targeted your search.
- Job shadow: This is very similar to the informational interview but a little more in depth. This is a great way to really see "A day in the life of______". There is no better way to figure out if a position is fit for you than to actually see the work first hand.
- Give your resume some TLC and spend some time beefing it up a little bit. A good way to start is by translating your educational experince into relevant "work" experience. Add any organizational involvement onto your resume and detail out any skills that are utilized in the work you perform for those organizations. (If you aren’t involved with any organizations, you better get involved quickly!) I would also recommend having a few HR Professionals or headhunters review it so that you can get the perspectives of a few different people within various industries. These conversations might also lead to potential Indianapolis job openings!
Again, I know it’s not that exciting to think about doing "work" on your break, but if you spend this little bit of time and effort on preparing yourself for your job/internship search, the results will definitely pay off. At That’s Good HR, working with new grads and college students is one of our favorite things to do so if you are seeking career advice, summer or seasonal work be sure to give us a ring!