HR Insights

Social Media and Recruiting

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March 14, 2016

With today’s rampant use of social media, it’s a given that most applicants will peek at your corporate communication channels before applying. What candidates find during their screening can be a deciding factor in whether they will submit their application, say yes to an offer, or simply move on. Have a strategic plan when it comes to social media, and you’ll create an amazing avenue to connect and interact with candidates that you otherwise wouldn’t.

Find a Platform that Works for You

Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even blogs on your own website are all great ways to connect and provide something of value to customers and potential employees. Show the fun with posts that give insight into company culture, share industry advice and how-to tips, and post job openings and timely updates. Don’t bite off more than you can chew here. Choose the social streams that you have the time and capacity to populate consistently and manage well, and then dive in.

Involve Your Employees

There is no greater advertisement than a satisfied employee. Invite satisfied employees to share what they think online. Engaging current employees could be as simple as promoting corporate hashtags, posting photos from a group outing or event, or running an internal social media posting contest. You’ll be amazed at how interaction on social media can impact perceptions and breed camaraderie.

Build Relationships

Getting to know customers and other businesses online can be a helpful hiring tool, too. Do you have some brand fans out there? See who is following you online and interacting within your social media channels or circles. Not only do you have access to a network of businesses to connect you with your next superstar, you might also have a pool of professionals who have already shown interest in your company.

So what do you need to remember when it comes to social media and your business? Go where your audience is and interact with them. Ask questions, share news or helpful information, and tell stories. Social media platforms offer a great place to communicate and network like never before.
