Planning your onboarding process
Having a plan is the most essential aspect of onboarding. Whether your new hire is joining the workforce for the first time, or has 20 years of experience, you don’t want to assume how much they will know about how your company operates. Ensure that they feel welcome by setting up the basics of their workspace, help them begin important HR processes like benefit enrollment and get them set up with payroll as soon as possible.
In their first weeks, provide your new hire with granular-level duties and detailed explanations, prioritizing self-sufficiency where you can. Let them know that no question is too basic to ask, especially with regards to setting up their phone, computer or other devices. Some people will have plenty of knowledge about how an office, their technology, etc. works, but others will not. Err on the side of offering more information than not enough.
Establishing a mentor
If you are frequently onboarding new hires, it may be beneficial to establish a formal orientation. Large companies often align hiring dates for new employees on a cycle that allows for group orientations either weekly, biweekly or monthly. The leader of this orientation is often a dedicated human resources team member, with their onboarding schedule allowing for additional training in each new hire’s specific department.
While this is a great method of efficiency for larger employers, smaller organizations can establish a similar protocol. Having a dedicated HR staff member to onboard new hires (even if that’s just one aspect of their job) will provide each person with a similar experience and ensure they learn about the company’s overall mission and culture, before getting into the weeds of their specific job. This HR member can be there to answer general questions for new employees, but ideally there will also be a mentor within each new hire’s department as well. It’s important to dedicate time to onboarding, with regular training and check-in’s for up to 12 weeks.
Onboarding with That’s Good HR
One of the best parts about working with the hiring specialists at That’s Good HR is that you can also incorporate our team into your onboarding process, especially with temp-to-hire positions. We can provide new employees with their payroll, benefits and health insurance, allowing you more time during the onboarding process to focus on teaching them about company culture and the details of their job. Temp-to-hire placements also offer a natural time to assess the situation for both parties, and with a successful onboarding process, new hires are much more likely to be satisfied with their position becoming permanent.
Some employers may be concerned about the cost of an elaborate onboarding process, but we urge you to consider the higher cost of an unsuccessful onboarding. From the start of the hiring process, companies should be transparent about their culture and what each job entails, and as supportive as possible once the hire has been made. For many new hires, if they feel they’ve been part of a “bait and switch” and there has been no loyalty built to the company yet, they will have no hesitation in leaving. At that point, you’ll have not only wasted your time and effort in their hiring and/or training, but you’ll have to do it all over again too.
If you’re looking to hire and onboard at your company, we’d be happy to help! Contact our staffing specialists today at 317-469-4141 to learn more about partnering with That’s Good HR.