This year That’s Good HR became a member of the Diversity Roundtable of Central Indiana. Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend the DRTCI’s monthly meeting where Dr. Melva Covington, Director of U.S. Health Outcomes for Endocrine and Women’s Health, at Eli Lilly was the speaker and presented on "The Power of an Effective and Diverse Network."
One of the most influential aspects of networking is self-promotion. I think "self-promotion" sounds like a dirty word to most people. After working in the staffing industry for five years (the past three of those years have been spent in as an Indianapolis Accounting and Finance Recruiter), I have realized that self-promotion is critical for success in almost any career.
The major misconception about self-promotion is that it is not related to how much you talk about yourself. It’s about establishing yourself as credible and understanding and playing up your strengths and accomplishments.
Many of the Accounting and Finance professionals I meet who are engaged in an Indianapolis job search have a hard time understanding the difference. I think many folks in more analytical and technical jobs have a more difficult time with self-promotion. However, is it possible to land an six figure job without a little self-promotion along the way?
Recently, I have been spending a lot of my time with my candidates discussing and strategizing how to effectively communicate their strengths and accomplishments when looking for job opportunities Indianapolis. The first steps in self-promotion to ensure a successful job search area:
- Make your resume as accomplishment focused as possible. What have you made, saved, or achieved in your current and previous positions?
- Be prepared to discuss these accomplishments once you get the interview and how they pertain to the specific position.