Job Advice

How much is too much?

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March 9, 2010
Much of the reason I enjoy working for That’s Good HR is due to what makes us different from other Indianapolis staffing firms.  We pride ourselves on our authenticity, honesty, relationships and customer service when working on accounting finance jobs Indianapolis. 

We don’t call our clients multiple times a week, or sometimes even once a month because we are not a transactional staffing firm like many of our competitors.  I was out to lunch with a client recently who commented on many of our competitors who continue to call her multiple times a week despite her not returning our calls. 

While we definitely aren’t an "annoying" Indianapolis staffing firm, we still want to be aggressive and top of mind with our clients.  So what is the right balance of contact without pestering our clients with too many calls?  How much is too much contact to you?       
