Job Advice

How to Impress the Boss

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August 10, 2016
Ready for more responsibility at your job? Or just hoping for a little recognition? Maybe you’re aiming to climb the ranks and try something new. Either way, your boss is the person with the greatest potential to make that happen. Besides working hard, what can you do to stand out among the crowd?

1. Think fast and adapt.

Whether it’s the loss of a co-worker, additional responsibilities on your plate, or a shift in a big project, unforeseen changes can throw anyone for a loop. Here’s your chance to be proactive instead of reactive. If you’re the one who takes the lead when change hits, you’ll have more control over outcomes and won’t be so caught off guard by curveballs. When you find yourself thinking on your feet and responding quickly in front of your boss, give yourself a moment to evaluate the situation and offer a solution instead of just a reaction.

2. Produce results.

Simply showing up isn’t enough to advance your career, and long hours aren’t necessarily a good indicator of productivity. In fact, always being at the office may look like you lack time management skills, or that you’ve taken on too much. Successful people earn respect and promotion by proving that they are an asset through results. It’s important to keep track of your goals and be able to report your wins in measurable terms.

3. Go above and beyond.

Don’t get so focused on meeting your job requirements that you get tunnel vision. You weren’t only hired to do your job, you were hired to be part of a team and advance the company. Pay attention to what’s going on around you and make it a point to do visibly worthwhile things. Complete tasks that everyone else forgets about. Arrive early to set others up for success. Take the time to work on a project that’s been put on the back burner. Spending a few hours each week going above and beyond for the good of the company will pay off in the end.

4. Be prepared.

Don’t show up to a meeting ready to just sit and respond if called upon. Be armed with questions, insights, and relevant information. A valuable employee knows their industry and can offer timely and thoughtful perspectives. Providing creative solutions and giving your boss food for thought shows that you’re an idea generator. These are the people who get a seat at the table.

What’s the bottom line to becoming a rockstar employee? Take initiative and be proactive. If there are things that need to be done, do them. If you see an opportunity to benefit the company, take it.
