I always encourage my candidates to be open to various central Indiana jobs but relocation is tough right now. Gone are the days of generous cross-country moving allowances, home buy outs, closing cost reimbursement and furnished corporate apartments. If you want to relocate for an accounting job Indianapolis, be prepared for a long haul. Unless a position requires a very unique skill set, companies currently have their pick of qualified candidates.
My advice is to really think long and hard about whether you are willing to consider relocation. Why are you willing to relocate? Is it to be closer to family? Or, are you just looking for a change? What kind of a personally and professional support network do you have in the city you are targeting?
Last, but definitely not least, consider the financial costs. Below is a basic list of what you should be willing to pay for:
- Interview travel expenses – many companies are not willing to pay for travel expenses. If you want to be perceived as a viable candidate, don’t ask for help. If they offer, then it’s okay to take them up on it.
- House/apartment hunting trips – if you get to the offer stage, it’s realistic to expect to have to make at least one trip to determine your living situation in your new city.
- Moving expenses – packing materials, movers, storage, etc. It all adds up and can be expensive.