
The “Best of the Best” Questions asked in an Interview

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October 20, 2009
FacebookTwitterLinkedIn recently conducted a survey with various hiring managers, recruiters and Human Resource professionals to find the "Best of the Best" questions asked of candidates in an interview.  They compiled the list and came up with their top 10 questions that are being asked of candidates in their Indianapolis job search.  Check out the list!  There are a lot of great questions on the list that I think help prove how current hiring trends are drastically different from how they were in the past. 

There are so many qualified candidates in the market that they all begin to look the same to employers.  Therefore, hiring managers and Indianapolis staffing firms are coming up with more creative questions to find out greater detail on candidates than they would with the typical "Tell me your strengths and weaknesses" question. 

My top 3 favorite questions on the list are #’s 7, 9, and 10…and here’s why:  

  • Question #7:  In the article it mentions that this is a great way to gauge a candidate’s honesty and integrity.  I completely agree with this, but also feel that it is a great way to measure their level of attention towards providing great Customer Service.  Every single position in every single company is going to require a strong attention to customer service so don’t underestimate the importance of proving to a potential employer your devotion to providing great customer service. 
  • Question #9:  This question not only gives you insight into what kind of feedback a candidate received in previous positions, but also how they handled receiving that feedback, and more importantly what they did with the feedback.  If you were answering this question you would definitely want to focus more on why that feedback was useful to you and how you’ve worked on those items and demonstrated improvement in those areas.  Employers want to see to that you are moldable and coachable. 
  • Question #10:  This question goes along with what I preach to my candidates every single day…DO YOUR RESEARCH.  And if you do more than the normal "check out a company’s website" research, you will stand out far beyond the other candidates.   

If you are in an Indianapolis job search I highly recommend reading through this list of questions and preparing yourself with how you would respond. is also going to be posting "The Best of the Rest" list and I will be posting the link on here as well.
