
The Office Holiday Party Do’s & Don’t’s

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November 30, 2010

The OfficeWe thought this would be a good time to repost this great blog post from our HR Manager – good advice as we embark on the "Holiday party" season!

We all have stories of company holiday parties past that have transgressed into the stuff of HR Nightmares. My own particular favorite memory (or lack thereof) was after just starting with an Indianapolis staffing company and talking to a complete stranger about the transgressions of a co-worker. I later found out that the stranger was my co-worker’s husband. True story-unfortunately. This was my first holiday party experience as I was just embarking on my Indianapolis staffing and HR career.

Whatever you need to know about office holiday parties can be summed up using Season 2, Episode 10 of The Office, Christmas Party as a resource. DO EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!

This year, more than ever, it is important for Indianapolis staffing companies and all Central Indiana jobs to celebrate surviving a bad economic year and your company’s successes but keep in mind there is liability for employers and employees in not setting some ground rules.

If you are in a management position in Indianapolis, this is a chance to build employee morale or, conversely, to lose the respect of your employees. For employees from those in six figure jobs to administrative jobs in Indianapolis, you can take advantage of the office party to have some fun and advance your career or misbehave and cripple your career. Here are some basic rules to survive and thrive at any company-sponsored party.

Monitor alcohol consumption: For employers, you have liability if an employee drives home and is involved in an accident, is injured at the party or causes damage to the facility where you are holding your party. Employees and Employers: keep in mind this is a company event and how you handle yourself is not only being observed but will be remembered.

Attire: Don’t pull out your nightclub attire for an office party. The party is still a business function, so conservative party clothes are a good choice. Remember to skip anything too revealing or too flashy.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down: People tend to relax a little too much at office parties. When relaxed, we let our guards down and reveal things about ourselves we don’t want our co-workers to know.

Keep your Hands to Yourself: Don’t put the beer goggles on and start hitting on your employees or co-workers. This leads to disastrous results and damages your reputation not to mention the liability of harassment claims.

Mix & A Mingle (like the song says): Don’t just hang out the entire time with the same people you interact with every single day. This is an opportunity to socialize and network with many different employees or co-workers including those in six figure jobs, HR, Administrative or Accounting & Finance people or those who can advance your career or make your job easier and more rewarding.

What is your most memorable company holiday party disaster? Let us know. We would love to laugh (or commiserate) with you!

Happy Holidays!
