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That’s Good HR Weekly News Update – September 16, 2011

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September 22, 2011
smoresSo, I just had to put the article in here about the "Love affair with your office chair", as we are currently going through an office chair upgrade in our offices right now. The work-life balance issues are getting more scrutiny lately so there is some of that in this week’s update as well. Technology and specifically social media are continuing to change at lightening speed and this week it seems there was more news around technology issues than usual. Read on to make sure that you are not a social media jerk. We were just talking about the mobile phone topic in a meeting today so I have included an article on tax implications. Fall officially begins on Friday so get those pumpkins out and dust off the s’mores sticks, bonfire season is upon us!

Is There Really Such a Thing as Work-Life Balance?: More than two decades and countless discussions after the term “work-life balance” entered the workforce lexicon, we don’t seem to be any closer to figuring out how to achieve it. Author Matthew Kelly believes he knows why. (thehiringsite)

Tips and Tricks for Developing an Online Reputation Management Strategy: Online reputation management (ORM) has become a critical component to many corporate branding campaigns in 2011. With all of the online conversations happening today, the ability to replace positive sentiment with the negative is a primary goal of any reputation management strategy. (clickz.com)

Make Sure you are Ready To Hire Generation Z: Just as companies have adjusted to the demands of generation Y, a new generation is set to graduate from college: generation Z. (openforum)

Coaching Tools for Managers…Stop Talking and Start Listening: Coaching for better performance.  Most managers think they’re great coaches.  Most aren’t. (hrcapitalist.com)

Hiring for Cultural Fit – Making it Tangible: When it comes to hiring, it’s easy for recruiters, HR and hiring managers to focus on a candidate’s technical qualifications and skip right over the things that are harder to quantify – like cultural fit. (unbridledtalent.com)

IRS publishes guidance on tax treatment of mobile phones: The Internal Revenue Service has released guidance aimed at clarifying the tax treatment of mobile phones provided by employers to their employees. (benefitnews.com)

Several HR-Related Provisions in the Obama Jobs Bill: When the Obama administration rolled out the much-anticipated American Jobs Act (S. 1549) on Sept. 12, 2011, the $447 billion proposal presented the classic good news/bad news scenario to HR professionals and their organizations. (SHRM.org)

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repealed: It’s official: Gay soldiers can finally say so. The repeal of the 1993 law that banned gay military personnel from serving openly went into effect Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. after years of fierce debate in both Congress and the armed services. (nydailynews.com)

You Know you are a Social Media Jerk When: For the first time, your online profile can determine, in part, the outcome of your business and the success of your job search. It’s time to make sure you don’t look like a social media jerk. (Recruiter.com)

Love Affair With An Office Chair: The office is a popular place for forming friendships and even finding lovers. But these days, some people’s deepest office attachment is to their chairs.
